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Extensive experience with software development, mainly with Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manger, Tableau, SQL Server e SQL.

With the possibility of working with a range of possibilities within IT, mainly with Data, but also being possible to work with Backend (Python with Flask / Django), Frontend (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and Information Security (Pentest with SQLmap, Nmap, Kali Linux, etc.)

Get in touch

If you wish, you can interact with the console below

neo@neo-pc:~$ |

Commands that can be used in the above console:

/help -- To know the commands that can be used in the console.

/linkedin -- To find out my Linkedin.

/github -- To know my Github.

/skills -- To find out my programming skills / programming languages and tools that I know.

/coelho -- To see a gif of a running rabbit, made with the ASCII table, is a reference to the 1999 film The Matrix.

/clear -- To clean the console.

Who am I

Ronaldo A Segundo Junior

Data Analyst and Software Developer

My name is Ronaldo A. According to Junior, I am a software developer and have extensive experience with data analysis. I started my journey in 2019 and since then I have been learning and producing great results. Skills: Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Flask, Tableau, SQL, SQL Server, PhpMyAdmin, Git, Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Maneger


Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences(ICMC USP)

Digital Inovation One (DIO)

Degree in Exact Sciences (2018 - 2020) / Bachelor's Degree in Statistics and Data Science (2020 - Atual)

Mar 2020 - Current

Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

My journey at USP began in 2018, when I joined the Degree in Statistics and Exact Sciences at IFSC (INSTITUTO DE FISICA DE SÃO CARLOS), I studied 2 years of this wonderful course, but ended up looking for new horizons and 2 years later, in 2020 I joined the Bachelor's degree in Statistics and Data Science at the INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES

Experience .



K2 Partnering Solutions

Proethic Consultoria e Compliance

Web Analytics Analyst

May 2023 - Current


Responsible for creating Tags on Google Tag Maneger to give customers visibility respect for user behavior on web platforms. Responsible for creating automated reports that integrate data from various client platforms, facilitating the visualization of results through Dashboards in order to provide the best insights into decision making. Configuration and analytics to maintain the health of customers' Google Analytics 4 platform. Documentation of projects and implementations carried out. Constant learning about the fundamental technologies in the area and also about the concepts basics of other areas of Data Analysis Working with more than one large client in the market.

Projects .


Fullstack Project

E-commerce made in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Flask and Mysql using phpmyadmin.

View project

Container Management

Fullstack Project

Container management website made in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Flask and Mysql.

View project


Frontend Project

One of my first portfolios. Made with HTML, CSS, Javascript and Bootstrap

View project

Agence Code

Frontend Project

Site made for studies, site for a fictitious company called Code Today.

View project

Services .

ícone layers

Data Analysis

Excellent ability to work with data analysis, Readiness to work on projects of different scales.

ícone código

Web Development

I develop professional websites, blogs, portfolios, landing pages and e-commerce.

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IT consultancy for small and medium-sized companies in databases, data analysis and/or web applications, personal and corporate websites and e-commerce.

ícone imagem

Computer Assembly

Did you buy a new computer and don't know how to assemble it? Your computer is very slow, you bought an SSD and don't know how to install it? Do you want to install more RAM? You already know, right? I install it for you!

Do you want to get to know me better, arrange a freelance gig or some professional opportunity? Get in touch with Linkedin